Create RESTFUL 4GL or ESQL/C Web Services With CONSULTIX Web Serice Server

CREATE RESTFUL web services WITH ConsultiX Web Service Server :

The ConsultiX Web Service Server solution allows to create RESTFUL 4GL/ESQLC web services with a minimal development effort.


Easy Implementation :

  • Directly deploy the solution with no need to install & configure a web application server.
  • Autonomous and directly embeddable as a new tile amongst the other Informix products.

The ConsultiX Web Service Server solution is  multi-process and multi-threaded.

Performance & Robustness :

The solution is very highly scalable as it handles load increases and allows multi-threaded 4GL web services although the 4GL language is not natively multi-threadable.


For more information, send a message to Khaled Bentebal :