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Cette section regroupe les RedBooks IBM en rapport avec Informix.
Véritable mine d'or d'informations, tous ces livres sont en téléchargement libre et vous serviront de référence pour l'usage des technologies IBM.

IBM Redbooks

1. Data Federation: Using Date Columns for a Union Operation, TIPS0254
Web Doc, published 23 July 2003, last updated 5 September 2003
2. Informix Dynamic Server and DB2 Data Federation, TIPS0444
Web Doc, published 6 October 2004
3. Data Federation: Use of Current Schema with DB2 Interactive Explain, TIPS0255
Web Doc, published 23 July 2003
4. Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server to IBM Informix, SG24-7847-00
Redbooks,published 22 July 2010, Rating: (based on 3 reviews)
5. Data Warehousing with the Informix Dynamic Server, SG24-7788-00
Redbooks,published 10 December 2009
6. Informix Dynamic Server V10 . . . Extended Functionality for Modern Business, SG24-7299-00
Redbooks,published 18 December 2006 (based on 14 reviews)
7. Using Informix Dynamic Server with WebSphere, SG24-6948-00
Redbooks,published 27 June 2003 (based on 11 reviews)
8. IBM Informix: Integration Through Data Federation, SG24-7032-00
Redbooks,published 8 September 2003 (based on 2 reviews)
9. Solving Business Problems with Informix TimeSeries, SG24-8021-00
Redbooks,published 21 September 2012
10. Using Synonyms with Informix XPS and DB2 UDB, TIPS0515
Web Doc, published 12 January 2005
11. Data Federation: Federated Inserts with Informix, TIPS0253
Web Doc, published 23 July 2003, last updated 7 August 2003
12. IBM Informix Developer's Handbook, SG24-7884-00
Redbooks,published 4 October 2010, last updated 17 January 2011
13. Security and Compliance Solutions for IBM Informix Dynamic Server, SG24-7556-00
Redbooks,published 7 March 2008
14. Informix Dynamic Server 11: Advanced Functionality for Modern Business, SG24-7465-00
Redbooks,published 4 September 2007, last updated 9 October 2007
15. Customizing the Informix Dynamic Server for Your Environment, SG24-7522-00
Redbooks,published 11 June 2008, last updated 6 January 2011
16. Informix Dynamic Server V10: Superior Data Replication for Availability and Distribution, SG24-7319-00
Redbooks,published 20 April 2007
17. Embedding IBM Informix, SG24-7666-01
Redbooks,published 17 February 2011
18. Installing Informix Dynamic Server V9.4 and WebSphere V5 on Red Hat Linux V8.0, TIPS0192
Web Doc, published 27 June 2003, last updated 6 November 2003
19. An Install Error with Informix Dynamic Server and WebSphere on Linux, TIPS0193
Web Doc, published 27 June 2003
20. Transitioning: Informix 4GL to Enterprise Generation Language (EGL), SG24-6673-00
Redbooks,published 22 July 2005, last updated 3 August 2005 (based on 2 reviews)
21. Database Strategies: Using Informix XPS and DB2 Universal Database, SG24-6437-00
Redbooks,published 26 July 2005, last updated 27 July 2005
22. IBM Informix Flexible Grid: Extending Data Availability, SG24-7937-00
Redbooks,published 23 June 2011, last updated 18 December 2012
23. Using Serial Data Type with Informix Dynamic Server and WebSphere, TIPS0194
Web Doc, published 27 June 2003
24. Migrating from Oracle . . . to IBM Informix Dynamic Server on Linux, Unix, and Windows, SG24-7730-00
Redbooks,published 2 July 2009, last updated 6 July 2009
25. Informix Dynamic Server 11: Extending Availability and Replication, SG24-7488-01
Redbooks,published 24 June 2008
26. Database Performance Tuning on AIX, SG24-5511-01
Redbooks,published 20 January 2003, Rating: (based on 21 reviews)
27. A Practical Guide to DB2 UDB Data Replication V8, SG24-6828-00
Redbooks,published 27 December 2002, last updated 22 July 2003, Rating: (based on 4 reviews)
28. Alternative Java UDR Deployment Method in Informix Dynamic Server, TIPS0191
Web Doc, published 27 June 2003
29. Developing PHP Applications for IBM Data Servers, SG24-7218-00
Redbooks,published 19 May 2006, last updated 18 July 2007 (based on 20 reviews)
30. Isolation Levels with Informix XPS and DB2 UDB, TIPS0514
Web Doc, published 12 January 2005, Rating: (based on 1 review)
31. Dimension Columns in MultiDimensional Clustering (MDC) tables, TIPS0512
Web Doc, published 12 January 2005
32. Installing Informix Dynamic Server on SuSE Linux 8.0, TIPS0197
Web Doc, published 30 June 2003
33. Data Federation with IBM DB2 Information Integrator V8.1, SG24-7052-00
Redbooks,published 16 October 2003 (based on 3 reviews)
34. Using ADSM to Back Up Databases, SG24-4335-03
Redbooks,published 5 August 1998
35. Creating AIX Resource Sets for DB2 Partitioning, TIPS0478
Web Doc, published 12 January 2005
36. Performance Tuning When Using Informix Dynamic Server With WebSphere, TIPS0196
Web Doc, published 30 June 2003
37. Powering SOA with IBM Data Servers, SG24-7259-00
Redbooks,published 12 December 2006 (based on 12 reviews)
38. Getting Started on Integrating Your Information, SG24-6892-00
Redbooks,published 11 February 2003
39. Finding the Informix Dynamic Server Port Number on Linux, TIPS0195
Web Doc, published 27 June 2003, last updated 29 December 2006 (based on 3 reviews)
40. Selling IBM's Innovative Solutions, SG24-6330-01
Redbooks,published 26 January 2007, last updated 9 March 2007, Rating: (based on 1 review)
41. IBM Midmarket Software Buying and Selling Guide, REDP-3975-09
Redpapers,published 12 July 2010 (based on 5 reviews)
42. Statistical Sampling with Informix XPS and DB2 UDB, TIPS0513
Web Doc, published 12 January 2005
43. My Mother Thinks I'm a DBA! Cross-Platform, Multi-Vendor, Distributed Relational Data Replication with IBM DB2 DataPropagator and IBM DataJoiner Made Easy!, SG24-5463-00
Redbooks,published 6 July 1999
44. Data Federation: Using views versus synonyms, TIPS0258
Web Doc, published 28 July 2003
45. Higher Performance and Lower Cost Solutions with IBM InfoSphere Warehouse V10, TIPS0932
Solution Guide, published 8 November 2012

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