ConsultiX puts at its clients disposal a highly qualified developers team, with a great experience of developing applications interfacing around databases in general and Informix products in particular.
Our IT Project Managers will take into account all the following aspects regarding the development process :
- Robustness and error managment
- Programs ease of maintenance
- Applications performance, especially Database System access performance
- Respect of development standards
We only make use of proven state of the art products and technologies in order to facilitate maintenance and scalability.
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- Informix Newsletter 4ème trimestre 2013 le 16/01/2014
- Informix Newsletter 3ème trimestre 2013 le 16/01/2014
- Informix Newsletter 2ème trimestre 2013 le 16/01/2014
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- Informix Chat with the Lab - IBM PureApplication System IBM Informix Hypervisor Edition le 31/01/2013
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Our competences field goes through all the developing phases :
- Study of the specifications
- Conception
- Functionnal Analysis
- Detailed Technical Analysis
- Realisation
- Testing Plan
- Testing and validation
- Tests Evaluations
- End User Documentations
- Technical Documentations
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ConsultiX has got a long experience on databases, whether transactionnal or decisional (Business Intelligence). We work on both modern and classical technologies.
- Transactional Databases
- Decisional Databases
- Local Applications
- Client/Server Applications
- 3-tiers Architecture (application servers)
- J2EE (JAVA, jdbc, servlet, JSP)
- AGS Server Studio (See Following Link)
Quality Assurance
ConsultiX put in place a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the third Party Maintenance and the development.
Our QAP is for us a genuine charter of 'good conduct' and constitutes a pledge of quality and the seriousness to adress to our customers.
For more informations regarding the QAP, we Pour plus d’informations sur le PAQ, please contact us with the ConsultiX Contact form.
CONSULTIX also provides...
- Enlightened advice in licence acquisition.
- Financing possibilities.
- Guided IBM maintenance renewal.